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Holidays again

    As you may have noticed, we haven't posted a lot recently. The main cause of it may be the fact that I, AnimeNerdz, am now on vacation in Hyperion's (that's the second dude) home city. So we are kind of going in this beer-hangover-beer period. But we are not dead. More reviews to come in the next couple of days, like, D.Gray-Man, Blassreiter, Ergo Proxy, GetBackers. And, of course we have the

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Holidays again

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Soul Eater

    When I first heard of the Soul Eater phenomenon on the internet I thought it was another pathetic excuse of using shinigamis in order to attract the viewers. It did prove me wrong but didn’t impress. Let’s start talking about the good parts of Soul Eater. We have some breathtaking action scenes filled with unbelievable camera angles that transfer the viewer into the action. The comedy moments are

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Soul Eater

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Ghost Stories

    I remember the first time I saw Ghost Stories was on TV on a channel called Animax. It was a long time ago, but I still remember that I enjoyed it. And now I wanted to see it again. I saw a dub version and I thought ,,Ok, I’m taking it”. But what I got is something totally different. So frankly this is a double review, or something. Basically I’m gonna say something about the original (that is no

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Ghost Stories

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UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie

    OOOOOk… time to finish up with the Shit Marathon. I know I dragged it for a long time, but I had a bit of setbacks. At least I didn’t post anything else or watch anything else, so… you could still say I did a Marathon. Soon I will put these dreaded memories behind me, but now I think it’s time to dig in a big pile of shit. And I can say we certainly saved the worst for the last. What can I

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UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie

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Le Chevalier D'Eon

    When I first saw this anime on Animex, I was sceptical. I didn't follow it through. The second time they showed it, I thought, why the hell not since there are no other anime worth watching on that channel anyway since I've seen most of it.Oh boy I was in for a surprised. It turned out to be quite a saga for me.The creator, Tow Ubakata took the concept of the real Chevalier D'Eon who was

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Le Chevalier D'Eon

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Ragnarok The Animation

    Ohhh… it’s been a while since I wrote my last review. Yeah, I kind of had to interrupt my Shit Marathon due to some annoying distant relatives coming over (you probably know how that’s like) but now I’m ready and willing, and what better way to celebrate their leave than with a review of a good steaming pile of astronomical shit. Now from the start know that I didn’t watch this completely. Like I

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Ragnarok The Animation

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Highlander The Search For Vengeance

    "The Search for Vengeance" is made of equal parts: present-story and back-story, with sudden, unexpected transitions between the present and the past. The story is about Colin MacLeod, once a Scottish ruler, now a merciless immortal looking for vengeance. During a battle against the Roman Empire, he is left for dead by the emperor, Octavius, the man that killed his wife, but is given the power of

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Highlander The Search For Vengeance

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    I was first acquainted with Kusuriuri when I saw him in Bakeneko arc (eps. 9-11) in Ayakashi ~ Japanese Classic Horror. When I learned that it will get it own series as a sequel, I made sure that I get hold of it.You cannot talk about Mononoke if you do not talk about the art. Just like its predecessor, the animators, Toei Animation do not afraid to experiment with the art. It has its own

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Origin - Spirits of the Past

    Another movie I watched during my movie marathon was Origin - Spirits of the Past. Well, the movie began with a great start. The art is just simply amazing! Absolutely breathtaking sequences. Only the opening sequence alone is worth seeing the movie for, and the music that plays over it is gorgeous. The movie presents us the classic struggle between man and nature, as it is displayed in some

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Origin - Spirits of the Past

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Great Teacher Onizuka

    Couple of years ago, a friend of mine lent me his DVD when I told him I was yet to be acquainted with Onizuka. He could not believe it and literally forced me to watched it right away. Putting aside my studies (Yeah, I was in college back then), I dedicated my next couple of days to finish the anime.It was time well spent.After watching the first episode, I was totally enamoured by Onizuka

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Great Teacher Onizuka

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Tekken The Motion Picture

    Oh boy… Tekken The Motion Picture. Now I want to go off the record and say I fucking love the Tekken franchise, but mostly because of Tekken 3, 4, and 5. But out of curiosity I read about 1 and 2 on Wiki. So the plot in the movie revolves around the first game, but as with any video-game based anime… THEY FUCKED UP.To be fair, there are some things I actually enjoyed. And these are 2 scenes and

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Tekken The Motion Picture

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Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade

    This movie is so bad it should be fucking illegal to watch it. Don't get me wrong. in the first ten minutes, the movie was able to hold my interest and it seemed as if it really might be good, HOW(fucking)EVER, it quickly became this sad, warped, Red Riding Hood fairy-tale, with an occasional automatic weapon killing losers. Near the beginning of the movie, it seemed that the main Rambo character

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Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade

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First Look: CANAAN

    After seeing 2 episodes of CANAAN I'm actually kind of confused whether this series will be the next boom, or just another wave of disappointment that year 2009 just keeps bringing. The game is just an adaptation of the video game called "428". So let' just hope they don't fuck it up like they usually do with adaptations. Honestly, I really liked the first episode. The production is amazing. The

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First Look: CANAAN

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    Okay, so if you've read all of the other reviews on the internet then you know that the animation of this film is awesome! "Vexille" borrows liberally from countless sci-fi films from the past several decades most notably "Blade Runner", "Escape From New York", "Matrix" and "Dune" as well as other Japanese anime films including "Ghost In The Shell" and of course "Appleseed".Unfortunately, that

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Crystal Triangle

    Alright, it’s time for more mind torture, and what better mind-rotting device than Crystal Triangle. If you want to know, Crystal Triangle is better than art of fighting. But that’s not saying much. That’s just saying this shit smells better than the previous shit, but it’s still shit. What I can say well about this one is that I won’t have to retell it, so I can review it, and point out its many

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Crystal Triangle

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    This buffalo shit is a timeless mess that anyone even slightly interested in science fiction or animation should watch before they die. I won't explain any part of the story, as that information can easily be found elsewhere. I will simply try to explain how I feel about this movie, and why. After watching this movie for the first time, I felt like my mind had been blown - which is the second

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Howl's Moving Castle

    Although Howl's Moving Castle had some great animation and some interesting concepts, the plot was so senseless in so many places that I found myself shaking my head wondering why the hell was I watching this pathetic excuse for crap.The story (if I'm not mistaken) is about a young hat maker named Sophie, who lives her pathetic life until a curse is put upon her by the evil Witch of the Waste.

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Howl's Moving Castle

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First Look: RideBack

    In a futuristic Japan, we have our main protagonist, Rin Ogata, a girl who was a promising ballet dancer, but decided to quit. A couple of years later, this time in college she comes across a club building and soon finds herself intrigued by a what looks like a transforming motorcycle called a Rideback. She soon finds that her unique ballet skills with balance and finesse can help her be one of

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First Look: RideBack

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Art of Fighting

    Now let me get this straight, the anime itself is not a tragedy... BUT IT'S A FUCKING TRAGEDY THAT I WATCHED IT. The fact that anime-planet doesn't even account for it is proof enough that this shit shouldn't even exist. Like with my Violence Jack review, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to retell the movie a bit. It’s retarded, yes, but I’m sure none of you will ever watch this crap.First of, it has

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Art of Fighting

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Hatsukoi Limited

    "Have you ever fell in love?"That's the first line of this series. It made me cringed. "Oh god, not another shoujo anime please!" I said.However, despite that dreaded feelings, I continued watching the rest of the first episode and by the time the ED song was playing, I was hooked, thank goodness.Hatsukoi Limited (literally means First Love Limited) is a story about a bunch of teenage school

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Hatsukoi Limited

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Spirited Away

    Ah, Spirited Away. The movie that changed the world. I finally got to see it and I can only say this: another overrated garbage.The film tells us the story of a young girl and her parents who find an odd tunnel in the side of a hill while moving to their new home. Of course they had to look what is inside. Upon investigating the tunnel, they find a strange "theme park" on the other side devoid of

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Spirited Away

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Princess Mononoke

    Given all the hype surrounding Princess M., I really expected to like this film, especially after my movie marathon delivered some unbelievable, unwatchable shit. I tried to like it. Truly, I'm not lying. Unfortunately, the producers were having diarrhea when they did this film, therefore making it extremely difficult to like, especially since their primary conceit seems to have been: "let's just

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Princess Mononoke

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Afro Samurai Resurrection

    So when we last saw Afro, he had finally avenged his father's death and claimed the Number One headband, making him the most powerful swordsman in the world. Well, the story in this Afro Samurai movie called Resurrection picks up some time later. Afro lives a peaceful, isolated life. His sword, and his fighting spirit have dulled. Nevertheless the legendary master is forced back into the game of

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Afro Samurai Resurrection

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AnimeNerdz shit marathon

    Yeah, you heard it right. My friend did a movie marathon and some were shitty, some were not, some overrated, some were good, but in the end these are considered by most to be classics and favorites. Well not what i'm about to watch and review. This is the real deal... this is THE SHIIIIIT.I've considered doing this for a while but i didn't quite have the time to do it. But now i think it's time

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AnimeNerdz shit marathon

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Ghost Hound

    Whoa, it has been a long time since I update this region. No, I didn't mean my region. Sheesh!I just wanna share this with you peeps about Ghost Hound.If you love Jigoku Shoujo, you gonna love this one too. Personally I think it was better, in term of its art however to be fair they do have rather different story lines.It is about three different kids who have suffered from different traumatic

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Ghost Hound

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First Look: Basquash!

    This series is awesome. Breathtaking visuals, superb soundtrack and a cool cast of characters is what Basquash! really delivers. I saw 4 episodes and it is an ongoing series, so I'm going to stop here, and review it in a couple of months when it finishes. So far I'm impressed. We have this sci-fi world where people leave on Earth, but there is a futuristic Moon where only cool people live. So

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First Look: Basquash!

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Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro

    I guess it’s time to write about another anime that’s neither a ,,must see” nor a ,,throw it in the toilet where it belongs with its brothers”. Majin Tantei is such one anime series. It tried to bring something new and entertaining to the infinite table of anime… but does it have the potential to grab a piece of the cake, or will it be put in a baby chair?The plot follows Neuro, a demon that has

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Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro

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Eden Of the East

    It was fun watching Eden Of the East, and with 2 movies already announced, I guess we will still be hearing from it. As I have already said in the First Look I have written about this series, the story follows a mysterious boy that doesn't seem to remember who he is and what happened to him. As he unravels the mystery, he discovers that he is actually part of a game. A rich billionaire paid 12

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Eden Of the East

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Fullmetal Alchemist The Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa

    Munich 1923. Two years have passed since Edward Elric's sacrifice ripped him out of his world and into ours, separating him from his younger brother, Alphonse. In that time, Ed's continued research into rocketry has allied him with Alphonse Heiderich, a fellow researcher who oddly resembles Ed's brother. Progress has been slow, however, Ed has become discouraged. But when he saves a quiet Gypsy

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Fullmetal Alchemist The Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa

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Violence Jack Harem Bomber

    Now it’s time to conclude the Violence Jack movie reviews. This isn’t actually a movie, more like an OVA, but in most cases it’s considered to be a movie, so whatever. Although I’m reviewing this one last, it’s actually the first. It came out in 1986 and this is actually Violence Jack 1. Up until now I should have numbered the first 2 reviews like in most sources, but let me explain why this isn’

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Violence Jack Harem Bomber

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    I finished watching K-On! I actually saw it on the same day I wrote the First Look, but I wasn't in the mood of writing another review of it. Look, it's not bad. Maybe it's my fault for not understanding it, but honestly, I tried. I gave my best to utterly understand it, but I failed. This piece of shit is horrible. It has fucking nothing worth watching it. Not even its so-called gorgeous cast

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Cowboy Bebop The Movie

    After watching Cowboy Bebop: The Movie you feel like you kind of reconnected with an old friend. It's got the same sense of humor, the same style and you recognize it from the very beginning, but at the same time, it's matured. Everything's back in Cowboy Bebop the movie. Because of the characters and plot as we know it, the movie probably occurs somewhere in the late twenties episodes of the

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Cowboy Bebop The Movie

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Mobile Suit Gundam SEED

    This time I’m reviewing another mecha, and I think this one is one of the most brilliant mecha productions out there. Gundam SEED. No… no it’s not about Gundam jerking off and releasing his seed. SEED refers to some kind of evolution, but I will let you reveal that for yourselves. At first it seems kind of standard, kind of ,,been there done that”, nothing special… but as you continue, each

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Mobile Suit Gundam SEED

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Lovely Complex

    Well, how should I put this...Lovely Complex quickly become one of my favorite romance comedy anime. It was fucking hilarious!Koizumi Risa is a very tall girl -172cm while Ootani Atshushi is a short boy - 156cm. On first day of school, their teacher dubbed them as the "All Hanshin-Kyojin" (look up what it means yourself - I'm too lazy to explain). They both have strong characters and unique

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Lovely Complex

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    Ahhhh, Appleseed… the first anime movie I watched and enjoyed. While some may say that it isn’t anime since it has 3D graphics, but I call it an anime movie. And a damn good one at that. First of all, what attracted me are 2 things: sci-fi, which I enjoy the most, and some fast-paced action. I didn’t expect anything more than this. If you want to know if this is for you, then read on.The story is

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True Tears

    "Because I gave my tears away"That line made me a fan of this anime and of that character.This anime is brewed with drama, angst, romance and cuteness. It would have been perfect if I were the kind of girl who loved the normal typical love story. I don't. Nevertheless I still love it. It reminds me of Clannad and Kanon, minus the comedy. There are several scenes that would make you cry a

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True Tears

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First Look: Eden of the East

    I started watching Eden of the East because some dude told me on some kind of anime forum that it has something similar to Code Geass. When I heard that, I knew I had to see it. After watching 5 episodes out of 11 I really don't see where the similarity is. It has its fair amount of suspense and some mind games, but it is no match for Code Geass. What I still don't understand is what the fuck is

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First Look: Eden of the East

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Movie Marathon

    I will be doing today a movie marathon. Why? Well, because I realized I should finally see some movies I wanted to see long time ago and because you can't have a blog reviewing only anime series. I wasn't such a big fan of movies. But since watching Paprika, and other shit like that, I realized that people invest more into movies than into series. Movies are also part of the big family of

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Movie Marathon

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Afro Samurai

    This is definitely that one series you will never forget. It will stay there in my top5 until the day that I die. The plot revolves around Afro - nicknamed after his hairstyle, of course - a silent and bloodthirsty master swordsman, whose quest involves seeking revenge on the man who killed his father, and claiming the title of 'Number One'; a warrior whose powers are comparable to those of a god

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Afro Samurai

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First Look: Pandora Hearts

    Well, to tell you the truth, I have mixed feelings for this one. At first it seems like a nice story, but then… I don’t know, too much stuff started happening at once. The story is about a rich kid called Oz Bezarius, or Vessalius like in wiki. I don’t get it, can’t they name him in the dub like they named him in other sources? Why don’t they give him a common name for all sources? Well whatever,

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First Look: Pandora Hearts

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    Recently I finished watching Baccano!, and I have to say that it became one of my top 5. It has an intriguing story, and while at first it seems chaotic and you don’t quite understand what is happening, slowly everything makes sense and at the end you feel like you unraveled a mystery. There are so many things that intrigued me and kept me going. The plot has a good way to unfold itself, and I

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Honey and Clover

    I was first introduced to this anime when it was shown on cable TV but unfortunately I was not able to follow the series.So I bought the DVD (both season 1 and 2) and once I started I could not stop. Never mind if I have to be awake at 4am in the morning as long as I finish it. I was addicted and with every chapter I fell in love more and more with the characters. This is the first anime that I

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Honey and Clover

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Fullmetal Alchemist

    I might get a lot of people pissed with my review, so I just want to make a point clear. The reviews we do on our blog, are OUR own personal opinion. Sometimes it does reflect the opinion of the planet, but in this case you will be disappointed, as I, AnimeNerdz really don't think FMA deserves the millions of fans it has. FMA is actually a very good example of a decent anime with good special

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Fullmetal Alchemist

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First Look: K-On!

    What the fuck is wrong with you people? How come this garbage, this bag of crap can have so many fans? It is so retarded. I saw 2 episodes, and trust me, IT IS STUPID. I know, you're gonna say "Well, you are a boy, and that's why you don't like it." Touché, but that doesn't make it less idiotic. K-On is about 4 girls. One is rich, one is boy-like, one is hot and the 4th is a moron. They all join

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First Look: K-On!

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Awesome Anime Wallpapers 5

    Another part of our awesome wallpapers collection. It's time for the 5th part. It contains series like D.Gray-Man, Hellsing, One Piece, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and other shit I don't recognize ^_^you can download part 5 HERE

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Awesome Anime Wallpapers 5

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Violence Jack Hell's Wind

    First of I’d like to say that I was stunned that there is a sequel. I mean the previous one was a retarded piece of shit, so why bother with another movie? Don’t they have something better to do? Like make something worthwhile and enter a new age of anime? For me it seems like the late ’80 were the dark ages of Japanese animation cause a lot of retarded shit I’ll review (for which I think I’ll

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Violence Jack Hell's Wind

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We actually care, imagine that ^_^

    What anime genres do you wish to read reviews of?(poll)

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We actually care, imagine that ^_^

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Cowboy Bebop

    Really, Cowboy Bebop truly is a series that should need no introduction to any anime fan visiting this blog. Really, if you didn't see it, press Alt+F4. However, for anyone unfamiliar with this show, I will write a little intro. It's basically about space bounty hunters. Yeah, that's it. Well, there is more, like plenty of classy stories and dark morals along the way, for example, there was at

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Cowboy Bebop

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    Saying that Sekirei sucked, would only spoil it. Seriously, it's that bad. I mean, let's see now:Girls having superpowers AND enormous boobs CHECKA loser that gets girls CHECKHer powers can only be revealed after they kiss CHECKOther big-boobs hunt them CHECKIt sucks CHECKIt has magic, and retarded combat sequences CHECKSekirei is a harem ecchi action comedy series that involves a city being

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First Look: 07-Ghost

    So as mentioned before, this one post will go in the First Look category. Contrary to the previous posts, this one features a series that barely came out and is ongoing. I watched only 3 episodes and I can say that I’m a bit hyped. I mean it looks like it will be a winner. It has a good mix of characters, although some of them are the type of characters that you’ve seen before judging by their

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First Look: 07-Ghost

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    Trigun tells us the story of Vash the Stampede who is a wanted man. Nicknamed the "Humanoid Typhoon,"because he brings destruction to any town he passes through. Because of this, a $$60 billion bounty (that's double dollars) has been put on his head. Some insurance agency has also dispatched two of its agents, Meryl Strife and Milly Thompson, to seek Vash and report on why he causes every town

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5 Centimeters Per Second

    Another drama I am reviewing. I think it's a curse. Let me explain the title first: the movie is named 5 Centimeters Per Second for the speed at which cherry blossom petals fall, petals being a metaphorical representation of humans, reminiscent of the slowness of life and how people often start together but slowly drift into their separate ways. The storyline although not being too complex is

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5 Centimeters Per Second

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